12 weeks to Apex program review

Wow, I cannot believe it’s been 12 whole weeks since my last post. Yes I’ve been m.i.a. lately but I had a huge project I was working on! I was one of the few who was picked by the @apexvisionfitness team to go through their workout and diet plan (for free!) for 12 weeks. The only thing I had to do was post weekly pictures on social media to show my progress (to see my progress follow me @weconquerfitness on instagram). The plan was broken up into 3 stages. Stage one was carb cycling only. I had a mixture of low and medium carb days with one re-feed day which is necessary in order to keep your metabolism functioning properly. The workouts for these first four weeks felt somewhat easy but were definitely working. Stage one is where I noticed more bulking than cutting. Along with the weight lifting I had some hiit cardio or steady state stairclimber or elliptical. Stage 2 was fun considering not only did the workouts change and get harder, but the nutrition part gave more of a variety. They changed my carb cycling to carb backloading. Throughout the week I had basically the same food every day…. this was until Saturday (aka carb backloading day)! To carb backload efficiently it’s important not to consume ANY carbs until after your evening workout. At about 6 pm you would workout and immediately after, you had your cheat meal. You could eat absolutely anything (my typical meal of choice was Reece’s and/or cookie dough)! This was the stage I started noticing some nice cutting going on. On my last 4 weeks, stage 3, got even better! The workouts changed once more and were harder and longer BUT the nutrition plan was a combo of carb cycling and backloading… with backloading twice a week. That means every Wednesday and Saturday I got to indulge in more Reece’s. Now this worried me at first. I thought two cheat meals a week would hurt my progress but by the time the program was over I ate my words. I went from wearing mediums to xs in Victoria’s secret which is a huge deal for me! I also started out at 135 lbs and now weigh 127. Along with all that, my stomach has never, ever looked better, my booty actually exists and I’m totally proud of it, my back is cut, and my arms definitely gained muscle! I would recommend anyone to purchase this program! My only complaints are I’d like my arms a bit more cut, other than that this program was perfect! You never starve (I ate 6 times a day), it is custom made for your body type, and you get results! Next step? Enjoy my Christmas, make a new workout plan, and attempt a mindful eating lifestyle rather than following a program. The hardest part is I like structure, so not following a plan may push me off course but it is something I can train my body to get used to so I’ll be working on it!

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